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Momfluenced by Sara Petersen

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How momfluencer culture impacts women psychologically asconsumers, as performers of their stories, and as mothers

On Instagram, the private work of mothering has been turned into a public performance that’s generating billions of dollars, and the message is simple: that we’re all just a couple of clicks away from a better, more beautiful experience of motherhood. Momfluenced examines the performance of motherhood—producers of it and consumers of it—through the multilayered phenomenon of the mommy influencer…READ MORE

“No one is better poised to take on the influencer industry in a book like Sara Petersen. Her sharp and witty observations of this fascinating world will captivate and entertain even those among us who have no interest in social media.”

Jo Piazza, author and host of the podcast, Under the Influence

“Sara’s writing on motherhood is my favorite kind: searching, candid, clear, and deep. Her insight about having another baby as a way to delay career uncertainty made my breath catch. I know that when I read her work I will feel less alone.”

Meaghan O’Connell, author of And Now We Have Everything